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Экстрим в ортодонтии, или как лечить сложные клинические случаи!


Онлайн-курс, в котором такие известные лекторы, как Kee-Joon Lee, Patricia Vergara, Benedict Wilmes, поделятся протоколами: 

– лечения дистального прикуса у пациентов с гипердивергентным типом роста
– комбинированного использования элайнеров и аппаратов на МИ
– применения МARPE, SARPE, BAME
– хирургического и ортодонтического лечения импакции премоляров и клыков
– ортогнатического подхода при комплексном лечении с элайнерами.


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Lettori (6 persona)

Professor of Orthodontics at the University of Cartagena, Colombia. Visiting Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Lecturer's main topic of ​​interest: treatment of impaction and gingival smile

Post graduated in Orthodontics
MSc in Orthodontics
Phd Medicine (in progress)
Specialist in Orthodontics N?. 38 (OMD)
President of Portuguese Orthodontic Society
External colaborator at Faculty of Medicine/University of Oporto
President of organising committee of Faculty of Medicine/University of Oporto Orthodontic Congress

Korean leading specialist in the use of skeletal anchorage in orthodontics.

Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthodontics of Yonsei University College of Dentistry.

Lecturer's main topic of ​​interest: biomechanics of miniscrew-driven orthodontics, non-extraction treatment in adults, up-to-date lingual orthodontic mechanics and surgery-first approached using TADs.

Received a postgraduate degree in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics at the University of the Duesseldorf, Germany.

In 2013 he became Professor at the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Duesseldorf. Author of more than 100 articles and textbook chapters. 

Reviewer of numerous journals and has held more than 300 lectures and courses in 60 different countries all over the world. His primary interest is in the area of non-compliant and invisible orthodontic treatment strategies (TADs, lingual orthodontics and aligner). 

Was awarded the First Prize of the German Orthodontic Society in 2007, the First Prize of the European Orthodontic Society in 2009, and the First Prize of the German Society for Lingual Orthodontics in 2018. 

Active Member of the Angle Society (Eastern Component).

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