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Immediate loading: When, where & why?

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52 $

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disponibile 0 giorni 22:31:39

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Programma della lezione

– Reasons for immediate loading

– The difference between immediate loading and immediate function

– Same concept at different stages: immediate loading, early loading and delayed loading

– Factors involved in immediate loading concepts to ensure predictable results

– Fast osseointegration concept: crucial to minimize complications and perform a safe technique

– Analysis of anatomy to guarantee primary stability of your implants

– Limitations for immediate loading. The use of special macro design to avoid micromovement

– Implant macro and micro design

– Prosthetics. Temporarization and emergence profile management

– Ideal 3D position for predictable results

– Biomaterials used to avoid contamination and ensure buccal plate preservation

– Non drilling technique at critical post extraction sockets with no residual bone

– Immediate Loading at posterior and anterior sites. Step by Step.

Recommended for: Implantologists.

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Lettori (1 persona)

DDS at Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid).

Founder of the Dental Surgery Channel.

Master Degree in advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, New York University.

Master in Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry, ESORIB, Madrid, France and USA.

Expert in Straight Wire Technique for Orthodontics and Advanced Biomechanics (ORTOCERVERA).

Spanish Periodontics Society Member (SEPA).

Scientific Committee Member MINEC and International Speaker for MEGAGEN.

Medical Director of ADVANCE Dental Institute.

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