
1 collega

Nicolas Aronna Mallia

Dentist: , ,

1 collega

Corsi del relatore 4.83

Le mie specializzazioni e sub-specializzazioni


Titolo di studio

Informazioni generale



Esperienza lavorativa

Dental Surgery Channel,


Sep 2019 - Dec 2023 • 2 a. 3 m.


MINEC (Megagen Intl Network of Education & Clinical Research)

Aug 2016 - Dec 2023 • 2 a. 4 m.

Periodontics & Implant Dentistry,

Medical Director at Advance Dental Institute. Palma de Mallorca. Spain

Jan 2014 - Dec 2023 • 2 a. 11 m.


New York University

Periodontics & Implant Dentistry Class of 2011

2010 - 2012

Di me

My name is Nicolas Aronna Mallia, I was born in Palma de Mallorca in 1979 and I graduated from Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid in the year 2005 after 5 amazing years that I will never forget. After taking many Surgical Courses and an International Internship I decided to take a Master Program in Periodontics & Implant Dentistry at New York University where I learned everything I know thanks to the excellent dental education that I received during that time of my life.
Since then, Education has been my passion resulting in creating my own Educational Style of Learning when I. founded Dental Surgery Channel, a series of Masterclasses and courses designed to teach from A to Z every single surgical procedure.

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