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Vertical preparation protocols: The complete guide in 24 lessons from Tomorrow Tooth
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Cosa è incluso:
24 lezioni
(15o 29m)
Il corso include le seguenti lezioni:

Lezione 1
Why Verti-prep?
Pasquale Venuti
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Lezione 2
Definition and development of vertical preparation
Pasquale Venuti
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Lezione 3
Review of preparation methods
Pasquale Venuti
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Lezione 4
Preparation with flame-shaped and butt bur
Marco Maiolino, Marco Maiolino
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Lettori (3 persona)
Dr. Marco Maiolino, graduated in Perugia’s University in 2001 with highest honors (110/110 cum laude),he is active member of SIDOC ( italian society of restorative dentistry) , ), followed a lot of perfection courses in particular in the field of endodontic, restorative and periodontics topics. He started to work with the aid of a surgical microscope from 2006. Founder together with dr. Pasquale Venuti of the “tomorrow tooth “ group for dental education with the aim to move dentistry toward a patient centered outcome. He works in a private practice at Siracusa , Italy as a general dentistry practicing all branches of dentistry.
Dr. Marco Maiolino is a general dentist practicing all branches of dentistry. He works in a private practice in Syracuse , Italy. He is the founder together with dr. Pasquale Venuti of the “Tomorrow Tooth “ group, a web based dental community whose aim is to change the focus in dentistry to a more sustainable practice and more patient oriented dentistry. He lectures nationally and internationally on topics related to restorative and prosthetic dentistry. He also write articles about dentistry life . User of magnification system from the beginning and microscope user from 2006. He graduated in 2001 with highest honors in Perugia university (110/100 cum laude).
Dr. Pasquale Venuti received his DDS from the University of Naples “Federico II” cum laude in 1999. He is in full time practice in Mirabella Eclano, Italy, as a general dentist. In cooperation with Dr. David Clark, Dr. John Khademi and Dr. Marco Maiolino he has founded a group labeled “Tomorrow Tooth”, whose goal is to share Outcome-Based and Patient-Centered Dentistry. He lectures internationally on a variety of topics related to restorative dentistry, endodontics and prosthodontics.
Author of the bestselling online course "Vertical preparation protocols" with a rating of 4.8.
Bioclear diplomate in Europe.
The founder, together with Dr. Pasquale Venuti, of a group labeled “Tomorrow Tooth“.
Active member of SIDOC (Italian Society of Restorative Dentistry).
Private practice in Syracuse, Italy.

Tomorrow Tooth
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