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Preparation with flame-shaped and butt bur
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Cosa è incluso:
Programma della lezione
– Why is the Butt bur used for in the prosthetic dentistry?
– The Toe-Heel Concept;
– Mechanics of flame-shaped bur tooth preparation;
– Problems related to the preparation of the tooth and soft tissues around it;
– Preparation technique of hard tissues under the crown using the Butt bur;
– Advantages of the Butt bur usage;
– Analysis of clinical cases and long-term results.
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Lettori (2 persona)
Dr. Marco Maiolino, graduated in Perugia’s University in 2001 with highest honors (110/110 cum laude),he is active member of SIDOC ( italian society of restorative dentistry) , ), followed a lot of perfection courses in particular in the field of endodontic, restorative and periodontics topics. He started to work with the aid of a surgical microscope from 2006. Founder together with dr. Pasquale Venuti of the “tomorrow tooth “ group for dental education with the aim to move dentistry toward a patient centered outcome. He works in a private practice at Siracusa , Italy as a general dentistry practicing all branches of dentistry.
Dr. Marco Maiolino is a general dentist practicing all branches of dentistry. He works in a private practice in Syracuse , Italy. He is the founder together with dr. Pasquale Venuti of the “Tomorrow Tooth “ group, a web based dental community whose aim is to change the focus in dentistry to a more sustainable practice and more patient oriented dentistry. He lectures nationally and internationally on topics related to restorative and prosthetic dentistry. He also write articles about dentistry life . User of magnification system from the beginning and microscope user from 2006. He graduated in 2001 with highest honors in Perugia university (110/100 cum laude).
Author of the bestselling online course "Vertical preparation protocols" with a rating of 4.8.
Bioclear diplomate in Europe.
The founder, together with Dr. Pasquale Venuti, of a group labeled “Tomorrow Tooth“.
Active member of SIDOC (Italian Society of Restorative Dentistry).
Private practice in Syracuse, Italy.

Tomorrow Tooth
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