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Остеотомия верхней челюсти. Улучшение носового дыхания

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52 $

69 $ -25%

disponibile 0 giorni 21:21:36

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Programma della lezione

– Ортогнатическая хирургия и проблемы с ВНЧС
– Заднее смещение нижней челюсти
– Третьи моляры: сроки удаления перед ортогнатической хирургией
– Методы профилактики постоперационных осложнений
– Дистракционный остеогенез нижней челюсти: показания и техника
– Виртуальное планирование хирургических операций
– Остеотомия верхней челюсти: технические аспекты, инструменты
– Хирургическое расширение верхней челюсти
– Методы улучшения носового дыхания во время ортогнатической операции
– Ведение пациента в постоперационный период.

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Lettori (1 persona)

Dr. Larry M. Wolford is a Clinical Professor in the Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics at Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, and in full time private practice at Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX. He has been involved in resident training and education for 46 years. He sponsored and directed a Fellowship program for TMJ and Orthognathic surgery for 28 years at Baylor University Medical Center. He has co-authored two text books, co-edited 2 other text books, written over 45 book chapters for other books, has over 225 other publications, and over 150 published scientific abstracts. He has received the William J. Gies Award and the W. Harry Archer Award (two of the highest awards in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) for major contributions to the specialty. He is internationally known for his expertise in orthognathic surgery, TMJ surgery, and sleep apnea surgery. He has developed many of the surgical techniques, philosophies, and evidence-based treatment protocols that are used in these surgical areas.

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