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Endodontic errors correction: Predictable MTA practice


69 $

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Programma della lezione

The ultimate goal of endodontic treatment is to conserve the integrity of the masticatory system by saving teeth at risk of developing pulp inflammation and those with established pulp and periradicular disease. Filling the root canal system and restoring the tooth prevents re-infection by re-establishing the surface integrity of the body to prevent microbial ingress. Such treatments are not always straightforward and a number of complications can impede thorough shaping, cleaning and fi lling of the root canal system. One of the iatrogenic accidents that results in an unintended communication between the root canal system and periodontium is a perforation. Perforation of the root canal walls or bifurcation region may jeopardise the outcome of the root canal treatment. In this lecture we will discuss the lomg term success and failure of such cases , the correct selection of the case to be treated and when is better for the patient to extract and place an implant.

Then the clinical scenarios to manage a perforation step by step :

- How to prevent Iatrogenic Defects ?

- MTA, Biodentine and Bioceramics uses in Endodontics Non surgical Management of perforations.

- How to locate, clean and shape the perforation.

- How to use and apply the collagen matrix before MTA application precisely. Non surgical Treatment of open apex teeth by MTA.

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Lettori (1 persona)

Member of Syrian Society of endodontics and surgical dentistry (SES) and a member of the editorial board of "International Dental and Medical Journal of Advanced Research".

Dr.Zaher Altaqi obtained his DDS degree from Syrian Private University (SPU), College of Dentistry in Syria.

He granted his Post-Graduate master degree in Endodontics from Damascus University, College of Dentistry, Syria.

He lectures internationally in many countries about the clinical approach to Microscopic Endodontics.

His private practice is limited to microscopic endodontic treatment and restorative dentistry.

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