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Наслоение керамики: протоколы ведущих мировых школ

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407 $

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Научитесь наслоению керамики по протоколам ведущих мировых школ в удобном формате видеодемонстраций: смотрите и повторяйте за мастером!


Лекторы не только расскажут, но и продемонстрируют на практике:


– использование технологии аддитивного наслоения

– технику минимально тонкого слоя с применением многослойного циркония

– технику внутреннего окрашивания.


Во время обучения вы изучите:


– способы применения контрастных керамических смесей

– методики формирования морфологии и текстуры поверхности

– техники финишной обработки методом ручной полировки.

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Lettori (3 persona)

CDT, specialised in the fields of aesthetics and function, all-ceramics and implantology. Member of the Bio-Emulation group. World known lecturer on the topics of ceramics and esthetics. International guest lecturer and consultant to Ivoclar Vivadent AG. Author of the textbook “The Fundamentals of Esthetics”. Author of the Bestseller “Fascination All - Ceramics”. Founder of the International Training Centre and the dental practice “Innovative Dental Design Oliver Brix” in Bad Homburg.
Master Dental Ceramist. Researcher and Trainer for Matisse Color Match system. Owner of dental laboratory in Istanbul. Founder of Taylan Sari Dental Studio. Author of 6 articles about color and aesthetic and case report,author of the chapter for book which is published by Quintessence.
Chief Technical Director of Huayi (Taipei) Dental Lab. Executive Director & Academic Commissioner of Taiwan Association of Dental Technology. Executive Director of Chinese Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (CAED). The director-general of Taipei city Dental Technicians Association. Keynote opinion Leader of GC initial ceramic system. The Dental Technicians Guide(DTG) Official Member.

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Our offline projects take place in the most picturesque locations around the world: Kyoto, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin, and Prague. Our clients always have a unique opportunity to combine acquiring valuable knowledge with experiencing rich cultural environments.


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