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Ortodoncia en pacientes con patología periodontal y ósea

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Nuevo curso online para ortodoncistas sobre cómo realizar un tratamiento de ortodoncia en pacientes con patología periodontal y ósea alveolar.


Dentro del curso se discutirá:


– Fuerzas ortodónticas ligeras al mover los dientes en pacientes adultos

– Creación del espacio previo a la implantación

– movimiento corporal de los dientes hacia un espacio de extracción

– Intrusión dental relativa y verdadera

– El uso de alineadores en pacientes adultos

– Uso del sistema Damon en pacientes adultos.

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Lettori (4 persona)

Founder and president of Professor Rabie’s Institute of Graduate Orthodontics.

Obtained his clinical training in Orthodontics as well as Ph.D from Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois in 1991.

28 Years of Clinical Experience Has won multiple international awards for best research published at the Int JOMFS, 1996 and again for publication at the Journal of Surgery in 2006.

Professor Rabie published intensely in Orthodontic literature, as well as, medical and scientific journals.

He has lectured around the world and has been invited, on multiple occasions, as the keynote speaker by the American Association of Orthodontics, European Association of Orthodontics, in Latin American and in Africa.


Master of Science in Orthodontics.

Speaker, author, and educator of orthodontics with unique experience in creating beautiful smiles. Partner at the world-renown Frost Orthodontics.

Visiting Professor at Orthodontic Postgraduate UCM Madrid. Invisalign International Clinical Speaker. Invisalign Faculty member. Lectured more than 300 Invisalign Certification & Study Clubs throughout Europe, as well as spoken at all European Summit editions from 2005 to 2020. Speaker at Invisalign congress events: China, Japan (JAAO), Brazil, Argentina, Germany (DGAO), Italy (EAS), India, Thailand, Spain (SEDA). Treated more than 2400 Invisalign Treatments. Invisalign Diamond doctor since 2012. Invisalign Peer Award Recognition International Gallery Case published. Article Published at Journal Of Aligner Orthodontics (Quintessence 2019).
Honorary Member of the Lebanese Orthodontic Society. Honorary Member of the Thai Orthodontic Society. Honorable Consultant of the Macao Association of Orthodontics. Honorary Member of the Association of Orthodontics of Berlin and Brandenburg. Co-Founder and Honorary President EurAsian Association of Orthodontists. Scientific expert for the DFG (German Research Society).

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